Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Horse Racing and Camel Racing

In this essay, I am going to compare horse racing and camel racing.

First, let us look at the track and race. The horse racing track is grass but the camel racing track is sand. In addition, both race types are flat but the horse race also has a steeplechase which is an obstacle jump race. Another difference is that the rider wear a uniform and color of the owner in a horse race, however the camel rider is a robot. A further difference is that the camel can run long distances 15-20km more than the horse which runs only 2-3km. The reason for this is a camel is about 10-15km while the horse is about 1-3km long. Of course the horse is faster than the camel because of its fitness and small size.

Now let us look at popularity and money horse racing is popular all are the world, but camel racing is popular only in the Gulf. Another difference is that in a horse race the prize is millions, on the other hand cars and about 200thousand DHS is the camel race prize.

In my opinion, the camel is easier than the horse race and it isn’t as dangerous for riding.

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